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Endpoint Pools

Coming Soon

Endpoint pools are not available yet. Contact us to request access to the developer preview.


Endpoints Pools make load balancing dead simple. When your create two endpoints with the same URL (and binding), those endpoints automatically "pool" together and traffic to their URL is balanced among them.

Endpoint pools are enabled by default for new accounts. You may disable pooling when creating basis. Endpoints can be configured to disallow pooling if you want exclusive ownership of a URL.


Agent Endpoints

First, create an endpoint forwarding to a local service:

ngrok http 8080 --url
ngrok http 9090 --url

Cloud Endpoints


When should I use Endpoint Pools?

Endpoint pools are good choice for:

  • Load balancing between multiple replicas of the same application
  • Load balancing to apps running in different cloud providers or even on-prem datacenters
  • Switching between cloud endpoints and agent endpoints with zero downtime
  • Blue-green deployment strategies of new software
  • A/B testing different applications
  • Balancing against a new endpoint policy
  • Canary deployments


Endpoint pools are never explicitly created or destroyed. Whenever you create two endpoints with the same URL and binding, an Endpoint Pool is automatically created for you (unless one of those Endpoints disables pooling).

  • Endpoint pools are never explicitly created or destroyed.
  • Endpoint pools are automatically created when two endpoints are created with the same URL and binding.
  • Endpoint pools are automatically deleted when endpoints are deleted such that a pool would only contain a single endpoint.

Disabling Pooling

Endpoint pooling is enabled by default on Agent Endpoints and Cloud Endpoints.

  • Endpoint pools can be disabled (
  • Endpoints will add a new boolean allows_pooling field.
    • The value of this field defines whether the endpoint may join pools with other endpoints.
    • The default value of allows_pooling
      • For Cloud Endpoints is true.
      • For Edge Endpoint is false.
      • For Agent Endpoints is false then update to true when we do version 4 release.
        • We’d like it to be true but that will create backwards compatibility problems.
        • We could maybe make it true with a new major version release of the Agent and SDKs.
        • Older Agent Endpoints should always be false unless we add a new account flag OldAgentsAllowsPoolingBehavior and it is enabled.
        • The default for allow_pooling is fixed and does not depend on whether an existing endpoint in the pool has allows_pooling set to true or false.When you attempt to start an endpoint on a pool that has allows_pooling set to true and do not pass the flag it should error out.
  • Can you go from true to false?
    • Not allowed when other endpoints are in the pool
  • If an endpoint with allows_pooling=false is created such that it would join any Endpoint Pools because other Endpoints already exist with those URLs/bindings, the Endpoint must fail to create.
    ngrok http 80 --url --allows-pooling=true
    ngrok http 80 --url --allows-pooling=false # this fails
  • If an endpoint with allows_pooling=true is created such that it would join any Endpoint Pool with an existing Endpoint that has allows_pooling=false , the Endpoint must fail to create.
    ngrok http 80 --url --allows-pooling=false
    ngrok http 80 --url --allows-pooling=true # this fails
  • If a conflict is detected because two endpoints started “simultaneously” join the same Endpoint Pool, we will kick the most recent Endpoint by timestamp (same heuristic but different metric) offline.

Load Balancing


Layer 4 vs Layer 7

Endpoints with different Traffic Policies


  • Endpoint pools are global and regionally aware (global load balancer)
  • Endpoints with the same host port binding but different protocol will conflict, not pool
  • Endpoint pooling with different traffic policies
  • Traffic Policy fields

Wildcard Endpoints

Wildcard endpoints do not pool with non-wildcard URLs. For example, if you have two endpoints online, and https://*, they will not pool together and traffic to will not be load balanced. Consult the documentation for wildcard endpoints to understand the rules for matching and precedence.

Protocol, Binding and Type

  • Endpoint pools support all endpoint protocols
  • Endpoint pools support all endpoint bindings
  • Endpoint pools support all endpoint types (and you can mix types in an endpoint pool)


Because endpoint pools are created on-demand when two endpoints share the same URL and binding, there is no API resource for endpoint pools. Instead, each Endpoint API Resource has a read-only pools field which lists the other endpoints in the same pool as the requested endpoint.


Endpoint pools are available in all plans. Each endpoint in a pool is billed separately.