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Points of Presence

ngrok's globally distributed cloud service runs on points of presence all around the world to enable fast, low latency traffic to your applications.

We continuously expand our regional points of presence. As we add each new point of presence, your applications become faster for global customers without any changes.


The current points of presence are:

apAsia/Pacific (Singapore)
auAustralia (Sydney)
euEurope (Frankfurt)
inIndia (Mumbai)
jpJapan (Tokyo)
saSouth America (São Paulo)
usUnited States (Ohio)
us-cal-1United States (California)


The table of region codes above are used throughout the product to communicate which points of presence are being used by a particular feature and to allow you to configure pieces of the product to use specific points of presence. Region codes are used by the following features:

They are correspondingly used in the following APIs: